3. Start making money. We pay you commissions for every transaction.
You get an instant commission on all profits from the subscribers that join Viaway through your efforts.
We do not limit you geographically, nor in the number of subscriptions or profits, and we do not require exclusivity. We will provide you with technical assistance, monthly statement and a royalty payment.
For monthly subscriptions, your commission is what your referrals paid first month! For example, if 1,000 of your referrals sign up for a monthly service of $15 you will earn $1500 that month.
You will receive unlimited technical assistance, a monthly statement and a ROYALTY payment.
For any other subscriptions, your commission is what your referrals paid prorated by a term of subscription. For example, if 1,000 of your referrals sign up for an annual service of $120 you will earn $120 divided by 12, which $10 for each of 1,000 referrals or $1200 that month.