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Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
I’ve been a pilot for a major U.S. Carrier since 1989. Before that I flew A-10s for the Air Force. I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the UK, and then at McClellan AFB in California. I left the Air Force and then we won the cold war. I think it was just a coincidence
Joe d'Eon
Adam Carolla (born May 27, 1964) is an American radio personality, television host, comedian, and actor. He currently hosts The Adam Carolla Show, a talk show distributed as a podcast on the ACE Broadcasting Network. The Adam Carolla Show recently claimed the title of the Guinness Book of World Records "Most Downloaded Podcast".[3]
Adam Carolla
Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian |
Delivering the largest adult radio audience in Sydney, the Macquarie Radio Network is home to the number one rating talk station, 2GB 873, and easy listening 2CH 1170. Macquarie Radio Network Limited was listed on the ASX in April 2005.
Macquarie Radio Network (C)
Desert Pilot
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I'm a pilot in Arizona recording cockpit audio as a fly around the southwest and beyond. I run into a lot of neat things over the radio and hope to share some interesting experiences in this podcast.
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The weekly update on photography and imaging with your host James Davies. Brought to you by Nikonians - The Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers.
Nikonians Podcasts :: Nikonians News Flash
This is the main feed for Nikonians with all of our podcasts. Weekly news, interviews, talk radio and more. For the ambitious photographer and imaging professional. Brought to you by Nikonians - The Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers.
Nikonians Podcasts :: For the ambitious photographer and imaging professional.
Broadcasting every two weeks on Thursdays, the Image Doctors Rick Walker and Jason Odell discuss photography and imaging technology. This a talk radio show from Nikonians - The Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers
Nikonians Podcasts :: The Nikonians Image Doctors
The Dog Trainer wants you and your dog to have a wonderful time together. If you've got a puppy, get simple, sensible pointers for raising her. Rambunctious adolescent? Transform him into a civilized adult. As for the grownups, no dog is too old to learn new tricks -- or better manners. The Dog Trainer explains how to get the polite behaviors you want and then turn those behaviors into lifelong habits. Whether you're housetraining, teaching your dog to roll over, or wondering how to evaluate a dog walker, The Dog Trainer can help.
The Dog Trainer's Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet
Basic Brewing Radio is a weekly chat about homebrewing - brewing the best beer and mead in the world in your own home.
Basic Brewing Radio
Type a description you would like potential listeners to see when viewing your podcast listing in iTunes.
Dining Train Podcast 飲食快車
Another great show from STOked covers the latest game news, game play discussion, and reviews. Join the guys as they get geeky about Star Trek and Star Trek Online!
Twenty to forty minute interviews with accomplished authors, book collectors, booksellers, publishers, experts, and professionals by a seasoned bibliophile.
The Biblio File Hosted by Nigel Beale
とても独特なイントネーションで知られる方言「熊本弁」。今では死語になった言葉や、熊本の地元の人が聞いても突然笑いが出る言葉など、約100語をランダムに抜粋致 しました。更に、実践編として旅行中の会話を熊本弁と英語とジョイントして、面白いトーク番組に!!※姉妹サイト:「THE ROSETTA STONE(」、「PodcastLife(」、「Podcast1592(」も宜しくお願いします!!
■松島観光ホテル岬亭 提供
熊本弁講座 with English/PODCASTLIFE
For the new to intermediate knitter. Yarns, Patterns, & good knitting music.
Knits Up?
Teacher Mark will guide you through the basics of the Italian language by introducing you to basic Italian in daily podcasts.
My Daily Phrase Italian
Radio Lingua Network
This podcast is a crash course about how to think like a Master Composter and the education goes well beyond composting.
Beyond the composting basics, you will learn how to:
- Understand your soil
- Manage worm bins, green cones and other composters
- Control insects and other problems
- Mitigate the effects of global warming through organic practices
This Seattle Tilth series is narrated by Joshua McNichols, a volunteer with the Master Composter/Soil Builder program. In addition to the Master Composter program, Seattle Tilth offers organic gardening classes for adults and kids, demonstration gardens, volunteer opportunities, educational events, and a hotline for gardening questions.
Composting: A Seattle Tilth Podcast
A hobby shenanigans podcast by a Jane of all trades: knitting, sewing, costumes, doll collecting, action figures, entertainment, and much, much more.
Alyrenee's Copious Spare Time
Beer is Tasty, couple of beer lovers review three beers each week. This is the audio only version of the show.
Beer is Tasty - MP3
We talk about a lot of things gaming. Miniature games, video games, rpgs, board games and etc. Off topic is another part of our discussions related to movies, tv, music, pop culture and whatever else may be on our minds.
Brew City Gamers Podcast
Welcome to Battle of the Century, a podcast all about whats new in comics! Join Dylan and Billy as they discuss this weeks happenings in teh world of comics!
This is a weekly show apearing every thursday, so don't miss out!
Battle of the Century
Accidental Survivors is a podcast focusing on modern games. While we will often default to d20 Modern, because that is what we are most familiar with, we will try to make our comments and suggestions as generic as possible. Each podcast is going to include any news we feel might be of interest to modern gamers. This news portion will include a quick encapsulation of the story, and then some comments from the hosts regarding applying this to a game, or impact on gamers. Then we'll get into our feature. The feature will be a concept or idea as general as Martial Arts or as specific as the billy-club used as a subdual weapon. We'll discuss our thoughts and ideas regarding the feature topic and how it applies to modern gaming. We'll always have inspiration time, where we'll look at something specific, such as a news story, a book, a movie, and discuss how one can draw inspiration for a campaign.
Accidental Survivors: The Modern Gaming Podcast
Hosts Ken, Steven, and Zach show a more personal side as they explore the wonderful world of collectible games featuring Monsterpocalypse, The Spoils TCG, and Arcane Legions. The cast often includes in-depth strategy discussion, exclusive content, special guests from within the gaming industry, promotions, and anything the hosts find entertaining through their involvement with the collectible gaming industry.
Team Covenant
Three Moves Ahead is the official podcast of the gaming blog Flash of Steel. Troy Goodfellow hosts a panel of knowledgeable writers and developers in a weekly discussion of what's new and old in strategy and war games.
Three Moves Ahead Podcast
Radio Theatre Group are a theatre company with a difference. Our output includes live theatre, radio broadcasts and audio drama. Several of our productions are available here to listen or download and we will add more on a regular basis.
Radio Theatre Group
Listen to how I make my photos with explanations of techniques used and other relevant information. You can see the photos under discussion in iTunes or on the MBP Web site. I'll also be talking about technical subjects and gear, as well as the philosophical side of photography.
Martin Bailey Photography Podcast (Enhanced)
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