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This video podcast site for my high school physics classes is being developed, following the success of my high school chemistry podcasts, ( If you like my site please click on the 'send to a friend' link below the episodes.
All the best for your studies this year,
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Want to learn the skills of top trader thinking? Tune in for Bullseye Excerpts with Sari Mustonen-Kirk.
All presenters at are authorised to deal and advise in securities and derivatives by either Tricom Equities Limited (ABN 92 067 161 148) (AFSL 238 148) or Tricom Futures Services Pty Limited (ABN 75 001 255 116) (AFSL 238 156). Toptraderthinking does not make any offers to deal in any financial product. Podcasts may contain unsolicitated general information only, without regard to any investors or traders individual objectives, financial situation or needs. toptraderthinking podcasts are not specific advice for any particular investor or trader. Before making any decision about the information provided you must consider the appropriateness of the information in these podcasts having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. Consult your own advisor. Investment in financial products and markets involves risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
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Welcome to our 2008 episodes. The students are working within a unit entitled "Being Aussie Being Proud".
Australia can be identified in many ways, from our unique plant and animal life to special places and people. Some say we have no claim to this country as we are not the traditional owners. Others say we only have a criminal history and just come from convict stock.
Others say we are a young country and have not had enough time to achieve anything special in the world. Our history is much greater than this.
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