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HT Audio Books is a non-profit online audio label & charitable arts entity bringing the literary works of Hektor Thillet in audio and available to the public free of charge.
From adult romantic comedy series (Jeremy's Drama), to contemporary fairytales (Nevermore), HT Audio Books brings you in audible brilliance the many ongoing literary escapes of Hektor Thillet. The young Fantasy/ Drama writer's works takes you through fictional retells of life as he knows it with themes ranging from social allegory, contemporary fairytales and fables, to tragedy and drama.
Hektor Thillet was born 1977 in Puerto Rico, and resides in the actuality in Fort Lauderdale, Florida were he works as a professional artist and continues to write children and adult short stories.
visit HT Audio Books on Myspace today at:
*The HT Audio Books logo and/or original literature either in audio format or written along with related artwork and or trademarks are the property of Hektor Thillet. All rights reserved.
No copyright laws to the Recording Artists here sampled are bridged in the making of these recordings. These projects are made under non-profit and do not encourage the pirating of copyrighted music and/or the infringement of the recording artist's rights. HT Audio Books promotes iMix sales through the iTunes Store and through complimentary in-Audio Book sampling. The iMix as part of the HT Audio Books releases promotes the audio sampled in the original recordings to aid only the fictional narrative. All revenews and profits go to the artists. The views and opinions of HT Audio Books do not reflect the recording artists opinions in any form. All Copyrighted music is the property of it's respective owners.*
HT Audio Books
Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
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On these video pages, the emphasis is on dynamic visual possibilities in active language systems --possibilities that arise from interactions and associations between sights, sounds, and textures, on multiple scales in multiple locations. These visual experiments in poetry are Video POAMS (products of acts of making) that explore what happens when the visual is allowed to extend beyond visible text, and when the page is not required to be paper (though it may still exist that way). The Limited Fork Video Anthology features examples of some of the forms of poetry that Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages. Look for video poams from student and other practitioners (forkers) of Limited Fork Poetics in this frequently updated podcast. Visit the Limited Fork podcast to learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and to see video poams by the mother of Limited Fork Poetics. And for the the sounds of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. Many of the soundtracks from the Video Poams are available at the Limited Fork Music podcast.
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A good book is best shared with friends. Watch webcasts with Oprah's favorite authors and discuss the latest Oprah's Book Club selection.
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This is the most liberated and free distribution vessel for the works of the poet of sound & image KiNo. This podcast will deliver you exclusive sounds, words and images of the 21st century poet and his journey for the Revolution of the Mind.
This is the San Francisco Haight Street poetry podcast TV, Mystic Babylon, created by John Rhodes. On this podcast we will have all the poets from the open mics, and poetry readings in the San Francisco Bay Area, on this program. Type in "Mystic Babylon" to iTunes and subscribe. Earlier podcasts will be archived on the web podcast pages that can be a accessed by big "Click Here" pictures, where it says Program Archives.To download the archives to iTunes go to "Advanced" in the iTunes Menu, click on "Subscribe to Podcast" and type in:
archive/rss2.xml. I don't recomend you copy and paste that code, but type it in, because sometimes pasting it will leave incorrect gaps in letters. iTunes will automatically download the archives (all the old shows). There is a simple picture tutorial on how to do this on the Mystic Babylon Web site. Visit my serial novel podcast of my book: Little Bird Told Me, at . You can buy all my books from: , or a paid audio version of my novel from .
To make the Media Player display a larger image, click numerous times the CTRL key, while clicking the + key.
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Barnes & Noble's in-depth author interview series, hosted by journalist and author Katherine Lanpher. Find more at
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ARTS.21 covers it all.
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Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets)
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