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Social Media Business
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Social Media Business

Australian Social Media Goddess Laurel Papworth explains the business of being social - monetization and revenue streams associated with online communities, how to manage a social network and case studies from her consulting travels around Asia including Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia. Practical explanations by Laurel Papworth, one of the world's leading social network thinkers, investigating real world monetization examples from Australia and Asia such as virtual goods, user generated merchandizing, affiliate social programs, APIs and the widget economy, social currency and influence - including metrics/measurement and monitoring - return on investment vs cost of inaction around new social CRM models. Laurel has been consulting on virtual communities on an international basis since 1989, including Singapore government, Middle East Broadcasting, MMO MMORPG games and forums. She is SilkCharm on Twitter and an AdAge Power150 blogger. This show is available both as audio (podcast) and video (vodcast) and is updated around once a week.
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