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Everything Else
Launched in February 2007, Monocle is a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design. Headquartered in London with bureaux in Tokyo, Sydney, Zürich and New York, Monocle appears 10 times a year in print and is updated constantly at Developed for an international audience hungry for information across a variety of sectors, Monocle offers a comprehensive global briefing under a single editorial brand. In print and online, writers and photographers are dispatched to over 50 countries every issue to deliver stories on forgotten states, alluring political figures, emerging brands, fresh forces in popular culture and inspiring design solutions.
FYM Productions provides you action and instructional videos from the world of windsurfing, surfing and snowboarding. We also produce clips that advertise your product with the life style of the board sport generation.
Free Your Mind Productions
Welcome to AD 360, the podcast home of Architectural Digest, the world's definitive design magazine. The AD 360 Podcast gives inside access to Architectural Digest special events and presents in-depth conversations with leading designers and architects.
AD 360
Hosted by interior designer Elizabeth Chamberlain, "Space Lift: Feng Shui Your Home" reveals stylish secrets to redecorate your living spaces.
Space Lift
Launched in February 2007, Monocle is a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design. Headquartered in London with bureaux in Tokyo, Sydney, Zürich and New York, Monocle appears 10 times a year in print and is updated constantly at Developed for an international audience hungry for information across a variety of sectors, Monocle offers a comprehensive global briefing under a single editorial brand. In print and online, writers and photographers are dispatched to over 50 countries every issue to deliver stories on forgotten states, alluring political figures, emerging brands, fresh forces in popular culture and inspiring design solutions.
Monocle HD
A weekly video podcast and online magazine featuring products for you, your home and your garden. Aimed at women and men, we bring you the latest fashions, beauty products, homewear plus travel and lifestyle features from around the world.
A Shopping & Lifestyle podcast (Lily Blossom TV) Video for iPOD
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte offers Language Learning Podcasts in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Language Learning with Free Podcasts
Learn a language with the Radio Lingua Network: download our free audio lessons, or take your learning to the next stage with our learning materials.
Radio Lingua Network
Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
We invite you to find out more about America’s largest public media enterprise.
Rick Steves
I’ve been a pilot for a major U.S. Carrier since 1989. Before that I flew A-10s for the Air Force. I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the UK, and then at McClellan AFB in California. I left the Air Force and then we won the cold war. I think it was just a coincidence
Joe d'Eon is a website dedicated to showcasing short underwater video on the internet. We've been streaming short underwater video on the web since 2000, and were one of the first websites to do so.
Visit ABC online for information on ABC daytime and primetime network programming. Watch full episodes of your favorite ABC shows and browse exclusive online content.
ABC - Official Site of the ABC Network is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals.
Video Blog and Production diary of Kinzai Ninjas, a new anime series.
Beatbox Giant Productions, LLC
Feed Me Bubbe (IPOD ONLY)
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Feed Me Bubbe as seen in the Wall Street Journal May 10th 2007 and ABC World News with Charles Gibson on 8/8/07 among other press. Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother and this Bubbe is ready to show you the secret to her good cooking. Feed me Bubbe takes feeding grandchildren to a new level. What makes this different from the other feed is that the fans have spoken saying we need a version that works on your ipods and iphones and we have answered. If you are looking for a .mov version use the other version.
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Featured in Everything Else is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
More Than Enuf is a rock band from Saskatoon, SK. We make music, smiles and podcasts. Join us in our daily lives as we embark on a quest for success!
More Than Enuf Podcast (iPod)
This is the most liberated and free distribution vessel for the works of the poet of sound & image KiNo. This podcast will deliver you exclusive sounds, words and images of the 21st century poet and his journey for the Revolution of the Mind.
KiNo is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
Music videos of senior photo sessions from Beth Forester Photography, located in Madison WV.
Forester Photo Videos
More Than Enuf is a rock band from Saskatoon, SK. We make music, smiles and podcasts. Join us in our daily lives as we embark on a quest for success!
More Than Enuf Podcast (iPod)
"one" dance vlog is the essence of my existence. It's an eternal dance and it never end...
Dance Vlog
Los videos están para complementar el contenido del podcast "Desde el baño": temas relacionados con el vocabulario y expresiones de la Argentina. Empezaron siendo parte de él, pero decidí subirlos por separado. Perdonen la calidad, hago lo que puedo con la cámara digital que tengo.
Videos (Desde el baño)
David Ryan a homo in Ohio claiming my space on the internet
Real people are making an impact for Christ all over the world in their hometowns or across the ocean. Join host Dick Duerksen each week on an adventure around the world to witness the exciting growth of the Gospel message. From stories about villages transformed by a church building to profiles on volunteers who have put missions at the center of their lives, Maranatha Mission Stories celebrates the transforming power of service.
Maranatha Mission Stories
We are a group of regular people based out of Lodi California with a mission is to reach those in need. Period. No strings attached. Our heart is for the lost, the hurting, and those who have not experienced the real and unconditional love of God.
Gravity Wired
Operation Blessing International's field reports and updates.
Blessings Video Podcast
Watch the 2008 Maranatha convention held at the Rolling Hills Community Church near Portland, Oregon. See how God is working in different parts of the world and how you can get involved
Maranatha 2008 Convention
This is the most liberated and free distribution vessel for the works of the poet of sound & image KiNo. This podcast will deliver you exclusive sounds, words and images of the 21st century poet and his journey for the Revolution of the Mind.
Feed Me Bubbe as seen in the Wall Street Journal May 10th 2007 and ABC World News with Charles Gibson on 8/8/07 among other press. Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother and this Bubbe is ready to show you the secret to her good cooking. Feed me Bubbe takes feeding grandchildren to a new level. What makes this different from the other feed is that the fans have spoken saying we need a version that works on your ipods and iphones and we have answered. If you are looking for a .mov version use the other version.
Feed Me Bubbe (IPOD ONLY)
All of the teachings/sermons from Riverview Church. Topics include: life, sex, God, culture, Christianity, atheism, relativism, etc.
Riverview Church Vodcasts - Holt Venue
Kabbalah podcast brings you the daily kabbalah lessons and other kabbalah updates.
Bnei-Baruch Kabbalahmedia Archive
Reaching one more life with Jesus. This podcast includes teaching messages from Senior Pastor Ed Doerner as well as other great teachers of God's Word. Visit us online at
Messiah - Reaching one more life with Jesus (ipod video)
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