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A personal journal with a few audio book reviews and some music from my "It Doesn't Suck" music list. "Hiber-Nation" is stories I read, because I like to read stories. That's all.
Grizzly's Growls Podcasts & Stories
Montreal's and now the world's favorite podcast. Sound, satire and a certain fjord in Norway just begins to describe the wonderful world of The Psychotic Hour.
Get a comfortable chair, turn down the lights, tune in and see. You may regret it, but you regret so many things these days, now don't you?
The Psychotic Hour
DeadRag Airsoft Radio is your source for airsoft news, reviews, tactics, team coverage game and OP reviews. We feature a guest on every show that will talk about the area of their specialty including gun and gear tech, tactics, milsim and anything else they want! Based in the North Texas airsoft scene, DeadRag staff will cover local teams, games and retailers as well as any OPs we travel to.
DeadRag Airsoft Radio
Welcome to Giant Gnome Productions? bi-weekly (every two weeks) podcast for all the new and exciting things happening at Giant Gnome Productions. In it, the hosts, Waleed Ovase, Mark Kilfoil, and Tony Raymond, will reveal new cast announcements, interviews of the casts and crew of different shows, and much much more. So tune in every two weeks, for...The GnomeCast!
The GnomeCast
Fear the Boot is an irreverent, roundtable discussion of tabletop roleplaying games. In this weekly show we debate game-related issues, offer advice for improving your game, and poke fun at the hobby. Our cast changes a little from show to show, but we always assemble a group of dynamic individuals with divergent views, guaranteeing you'll hear several perspectives on everything we discuss.
Fear the Boot
Ken Hollings presents a live twelve-part series of unscripted reflections on
the fantasy of science in the early years of the American Century. With electronic sound composition and production by Simon James.
Music available from
Book available from
Welcome to Mars
Listen, learn, and laugh along with the members of the Critical Hit Podcast. The continuing saga of four adventurers seeking fortune and glory in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Plenty of role playing and fun for anyone interested in the D&D experience. Newbies or seasoned vets will get a kick out of this live campaign.
Critical Hit: A Dungeons and Dragons Campaign
Crucible of Realms
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We like to create worlds of fantasy, sci-fi and other genres. In each episode, we brainstorm a new setting. Come and join us!
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We like to create worlds of fantasy, sci-fi and other genres. In each episode, we brainstorm a new setting. Come and join us!
Crucible of Realms
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