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User-uploaded movies with language code "Swedish", "Svenska", or "swe" (MARC code for Swedish language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Swedish Movies
A collection of stock footage clips submitted by Internet Archive users. These clips are designed to be used in other videos.
All clips in this collection must have one of the following Creative Commons Licenses:
Public Domain
Attribution (by)
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)
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We recommend submitting clips in the highest quality format you have available. The best format to submit is MPEG2 (dvd quality) files - we will automatically derive your MPEG2 into smaller video files. Feel free to upload the same clip in different formats, if you'd like. Let us know in the forum at the bottom of the page when you've uploaded a stock footage clip to open source movies and we'll move it over if it fits the requirements.
There are many other videos in the archive that you can use in your own movies. For example, you can search the archive for all public domain movies, which includes all of the Prelinger Archive and many more high quality, interesting films. If you'd like to learn how to search the archive by CC License-type, please see this search FAQ.
Stock Footage
Internet Archive
Uploaded movies with language code "Arabic", "arabic", or "ara
Community Arabic Movies
Internet Archive
"All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl." - Charlie Chaplin
Comedy Films
User-uploaded movies with language code "Spanish", "español", or "spa" (MARC code for Spanish language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Spanish Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "Italian", "italiano", or "ita" (MARC code for Italian language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Italian Movies
Internet Archive
What happens when you make close to 2,000 ephemeral public domain films freely available on the Web? People make art and more films are born!
Here’s a sample of films created with Prelinger Archives footage and uploaded to the Internet Archive. However, Rick Prelinger suspects thousands more are uploaded on other video sites. If you have a video you created using footage from the Prelinger Archives, please let us know so we can include it here.
Prelinger Archive Mashups
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 150 billion archived web pages. The Internet Archive is working to prevent the Internet - a new medium with major historical significance - and other "born-digital" materials from disappearing into the past. Collaborating with institutions including the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian, we are working to preserve a record for generations to come.
Internet Archive
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
Community English Movies
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User-uploaded movies with language code "English" or "eng" (MARC code for English language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
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Disco, House biz
House not House
Uploaded movies with language code "Arabic", "arabic", or "ara
Community Arabic Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "English" or "eng" (MARC code for English language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community English Movies
Internet Archive
Disco, House biz
House not House
Uploaded movies with language code "Arabic", "arabic", or "ara
Community Arabic Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "English" or "eng" (MARC code for English language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community English Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "German", deutsch, or "ger" (MARC code for German language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community German Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "Italian", "italiano", or "ita" (MARC code for Italian language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Italian Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "Spanish", "español", or "spa" (MARC code for Spanish language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Spanish Movies
Internet Archive
User-uploaded movies with language code "Swedish", "Svenska", or "swe" (MARC code for Swedish language items)
Uploaders, please note: supports metadata about items in just about any language so long as the characters are UTF8 encoded.
Community Swedish Movies
Bit för Bit (Bit by Bit) was a Swedish TV-series about computers. Six episodes were broadcasted in 1989 as part of the youth segment called Unga Tvåan on Sveriges Television (SVT). It was a mixture of education and entertainment, where each episode had competitions in games and demos, and usually an educational clip and examples of CGI-animation. There was a slightly confused hostess (Gila Bergqvist) and an animated co-host called Orcon. Orcon would slightly change his voice, personality and role in between the episodes. John Minson was a British journalist who did exclusive reports from the UK. The last episode was hosted by Jan Trolin. Bit för Bit was the first, if not only, TV-show that brought the demoscene into the public eye on a frequent basis. They displayed demos as backdrop to the hostess, showing unedited scrolltexts with greetings, fuckings and so on. Each episode showed a collage of Amiga demos, supposedly sent in by the demo groups, and in the following episode a winner was announced. The winner was selected by a jury. Several famous demoscene groups appeared: Fairlight, Rebels, Defjam, Kefrens, Phenomena, Byterapers, etc. In E01 and E02 the vertical synchronization was off, so the demos were displayed wrong. The end credits was a part from a Phenomena megademo, with the song Let's Party by Firefox. Every episode had a gaming competition called "teledataspelet." The games played were GeeBee Air Rally, California Games, Paperboy and RVF Honda. They were played using the phone as a joystick. The beeps of the phone accompanied the sound of the game, and the commentry of the hostess. There were examples of CGI-animation in most episodes. Just like the demos and games they were badly credited but they were made by, for example, John Lasseter and Jeff Minter.
Television Series: Bit för Bit (Bit by Bit)
Internet Archive
A photography podcast for digital photographers, created by Christoph Marquardt.
Tips From The Top Floor
Internet Archive
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