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In this podiobook: Drawn together apparently by the hand of fate, Trent and Cole escape the oppressive totalitarian domed city that has nurtured them all their lives. Outside they discover a world they could never have imagined. They are pursued by the city Militia, intent on returning them to the secretive entity that oversees every facet of the city. They are joined by Floyd, who turns against the Militia; but then they are captured once more and once again freed by those they would have considered most unlikely to help them. The trio begin to understand the truth of their world and must decide for whom they will fight in the coming wars...
Terra Incognita - A free audiobook by Gary Hicks
J.C. Hutchins
A podcast only series for Leaving Certificate students to help them with revision. Each week the programme will focus on a different subject and offer advice and tips on what you need to know along with help on exam techniques, how to beat stress and other essential information. The first in the new series will be posted at the start of March 2008. To keep you going there is a special download below on diet and studying which you might like to get you started.
RTÉ - Getting It Right
Interviews, Commentary, In-depth analysis, Previews, Reviews and all that matters in Irish and International Sport, from the leaders in Sports Coverage in Ireland.
RTÉ - Sport
'Presented by Seonaid Dunne and produced by Gerry McArdle, Outside the Box shines a spotlight on issues of broad concern to disabled people, their families and representative organisations. The show confronts issues head on and is not afraid to challenge commonly held assumptions about disabled people and the disability sector.
With an estimated 300,000 people in Ireland touched by some sort of physical, sensory or intellectual disability, the relevance of Outside the Box stretches far beyond the disabled community to industry, policymakers and the general public.
RTÉ - Outside The Box
The Eleventh Hour is RTÉ Radio 1's new late night arts and culture show, presented by Paraic Breathnach. As well as covering and visiting arts and cultural events and festivals, The Eleventh Hour will initiate debate, argument and creative participation among its late night audience. The programme will also be working with arts and cultural groups on projects and events that will allow listeners to get involved in the creative process.
RTÉ - The Eleventh Hour
The Big Adventure is a series for nomads, roamers and other wide-eyed dreamers who actually think it's fun to abseil down cliffs in a snowstorm or hunt whales in skin kayaks. A series for people willing to truly immerse themselves in the world around them - to sip tea with Bedouins or even, Tory Islanders. To experience life to the max, diving into it, skiing down it, clambering up it with picks and shackles in the face of a force ten gale.
RTÉ - The Big Adventure
Join Vincent Browne for his unique mix of tribunals, politics and entertainment.
Vincent Browne is one of Ireland's best known print and broadcast journalists. His controversial interviewing style is a sign of his determination to get at the facts and that makes the programme compelling listening.
Since the programme began in September 1996 it has developed a strong, loyal listenership amongst those who appreciate the unique style and variation of the programmes.
RTÉ - Vincent Browne
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
Damo Kay - 444 PODCASTS
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Check out my Newest mix its my 444 June 2009 Tech Trance mix with a sneak preview of my remix of Tim Deluxe's It Just Wont Do
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A uniquely nonsensical audio comedy show from Ireland.
The long-running cult podcast that features Neal's "special" brand of meaningless monologues and improvised nonsense humour.
Now in it's third centenary of shows.
"Well worth a listen…inevitably you’ll end up laughing…
Excellent…".-Kildare Nationalist.
" …one of the funniest things I’ve heard" - Lockjaw The Podcast Junkie
"An innovative broadcasting idea" -Leinster Leader
"40 seconds of that was enough"
-Dave Fanning, RTÉ Radio 1, mistakenly calling it "Into Your Mind"
Visit the website at
Into Your Head
Eclectic DJ mixes of diverse dance, hip-hop & emotive electronica. Across genres & tempos...chillout to dancefloor...from neurofunk to intelligent techno. Hopefully it will connect with either your head or your feet. Music featured includes breakbeat, jazzfunk & hip-hop to electronica, techno, electro & drum & bass. Full track listings with reference times can be found at the ThinkToy website...just follow the link. Updated weekly, this podcast also includes the latest hour long 'Thinknology Radio' mixes.
Thinknology - Mixes By ThinkToy
Using the same energy and style with which he transformed Saturday morning listening, Derek and his team entertain RTÉ Radio 1 listeners reflecting the life and times of people all over the country. Reporter Brenda Donoghue is on the road out and about meeting with and interviewing the Irish public and regular items include stories with universal issues being told in colourful ways and from a personal perspective as well as live music performances, major competitions and on air surprises. On Fridays the 'wild' regulars Eanna Ni Lamhna, Richard Collins and Terry Flanagan join Derek for the ever-popular Mooney goes Wild.
RTÉ - Mooney
Irish-based MP3 blog - Indie, Electronica, Hip-Hop - A Chronicle of Musical Delights
Nialler9 Music Blog | MP3s | Videos | Reviews » Podcasts
A podcast/arsecast from about Arsenal football club
Arseblog - the Arsecasts, Arsenal podcasts
Mind Matters is a science series that looks at the workings of the human brain and its ability to function and recover after trauma. From Alzheimer's disease to manic depression, strokes to autism - what does science know about how these conditions affect the brain and what are the treatments are currently available?
RTÉ - Mind Matters
In this podiobook: Drawn together apparently by the hand of fate, Trent and Cole escape the oppressive totalitarian domed city that has nurtured them all their lives. Outside they discover a world they could never have imagined. They are pursued by the city Militia, intent on returning them to the secretive entity that oversees every facet of the city. They are joined by Floyd, who turns against the Militia; but then they are captured once more and once again freed by those they would have considered most unlikely to help them. The trio begin to understand the truth of their world and must decide for whom they will fight in the coming wars...
Terra Incognita - A free audiobook by Gary Hicks
J.C. Hutchins
Speaking Ill of the Dead is a series of lectures recorded in March at the National Museum in Dublin. The conference was co-sponsored by RTÉ and the National Museum. Historians were asked to choose a figure from Irish history (though not necessarily Irish born) for whom they had an aversion and speak about them before an audience.
Among the historians addressing the conference were Prof. Tom Bartlett, Prof Paul Bew, Senator Martin Mansergh, Senator David Norris, Ruth Dudley Edwards and Museum Director, Dr. Pat Wallace. Among the reputations under attack were those of Edward Carson, William Gladstone, Kevin O'Higgins, Arthur Balfour and Countess Markievicz.
The idea originated from the Montana Historical Association 'Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Montana History' annual Lecture series.
RTÉ - Speaking Ill Of The Dead
The Highway 101 snakes along the length of California - and it is on this road that Myles Dungan has been travelling for the last few months, meeting some of the most interesting minds in the Golden State. His new interview programme features those who defy a more conventional view of America - such as 60s activist Tom Hayden, Robert Reich - a member of Clinton's Camelot, Native American Madonna Thunder Hawk, journalist Lowell Bergman and others - such as environmentalists, writers, campaigners and thinkers and each guest will be choosing the music, films and poetry that have most inspired over the years.
RTÉ - Highway 101
Interviews, Commentary, In-depth analysis, Previews, Reviews and all that matters in Irish and International Sport, from the leaders in Sports Coverage in Ireland.
RTÉ - Sport
Buildings are something which surround us everywhere, everyday. But how often do we look at them in detail and understand them, their history and their place? The answers to these questions can be found in this series.
RTÉ - The Architect's Eye
Now in its fourth decade on the airwaves Sunday Miscellany is one of Ireland's longest running shows on RTE Radio 1. Today the programme's mix of 'music and musings' continues to be as fresh as ever with contributions to the programme coming from open submissions and commissioned work delivered on the air with new voices complementing more established writers across each programme. From radio essays to reportage, appreciations, memory pieces, poetry, travel writing to personal accounts of events and happenings this programme is essential listening on the radio and the web to thousands of people all over the world.
RTÉ - Sunday Miscellany
Off The Shelf, presented by Andy O'Mahony is RTÉ Radio 1's book programme in which a carefully selected panel of contributors are set loose on one topic or individual.
RTÉ - Off The Shelf
In the second series of Playwrights in Profile, Seán Rocks looks at the work of a new generation of Irish playwrights. Sebastian Barry, Conor Mc Pherson, Mark O Rowe and Marina Carr are among the featured writers. Theatre practitioners closely associated with their plays reveal the challenges and joys of the first productions of plays that have quickly become established as part of the canon.
RTÉ - Playwrights In Profile
Rodney Rice travels every year to Africa, Asia and Latin America to listen to local people tell their stories, explain their needs. He looks for hope amid the pain, for shoots of growth in economies suffering from underdevelopment.
RTÉ - Worlds Apart
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