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Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, the podcast of Fr. Anthony Perkins and St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI. This is where Fr. Anthony shares the Good News of Salvation through Christ and His Church by posting homilies, analysis, and interviews. He has a diverse background, a big smile, and lots of enthusiasm. See and for more information and content.
Die Deutsche Welle hat seit ihrem Bestehen (1953) immer wieder über die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Historie Deutschlands entweder direkt berichtet oder an sie erinnert. Interviews, Statements, Studiodiskussionen oder auch Features zu aktuellen Themen - oder zu deren Jahrestagen - waren ständig Bestandteil des Programms. Die Reihe beginnt mit einem Feature über die Währungsreform im Jahr 1948, in dem Zeitzeugen die Atmosphäre der damaligen Zeit schildern. Die Berufung Bonns zur Bundeshauptstadt, die Schaffung des Bundesgerichtshofes, das deutsch-israelische Wiedergutmachungsabkommen, der Volksaufstand 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR, der Mauerbau oder auch die Ratifizierung der Ostverträge durch den Deutschen Bundestag – dies sind nur einige Beispiele der Themen, die in dieser Podcastreihe behandelt werden, wo auch zahlreiche Personen der deutschen Geschichte zu Wort kommen.
Zeitreise: Meilensteine | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
A weekly podcast about psychology's past, including interviews with notable historians of psychology.
This Week in the History of Psychology
Reasonable Doubts takes an informative and humorous look at religion from a freethinking perspective; offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, agnostics, humanists, courageous religious believers looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions. In addition to interviewing the top minds in skepticism (former guests include Christopher Hitchens, Susan Jacoby, Paul Kurtz, Edward Tabash, DJ Grothe) RD offers regular segments on counter-apologetics, biblical criticism, creationism intelligent design and church state issues. RD also examines the psychology of religion, reviewing recent and exciting research you won't hear about anywhere else. Tune in for a hard-hitting critique of religion balanced by plenty of humor, a fair-minded attitude and a commitment to critical thinking. Check out our website at for information, episode links or to email questions, comments and challenges. Reasonable Doubts...for those who won't just take things on faith.
Reasonable Doubts Podcast
What does, and does NOT make you happy. Replay of presentation at Pennsylvania Psychological Association convention.
3 Paths to Happiness
activagers is the very first Paneuropean community for the mature generation, often referred to as “the boomers” and is already present in countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain and the UK. activagers focuses on providing an excellent online social network, with easy to use technology, that caters for the needs of this demanding group. On activagers, the users can easily stay in touch or just communicate with old and new friends. Moreover, activagers provides the cutting-edge functionalities that define a truly online community experience as the user will be able to send messages, chat and discuss topics in forums or groups with like-minded users. On top of that activagers offers you, the user, the possibility to publish your own content whether it be photo, music, video or in your own blog. On activagers you can then publish and share it with other like-minded individuals. This community network supplements its features with a magazine, in which interesting news is regularly published, as well as running a travel portal for the organising of individualised holidays.
activagers is a social network by VIVA49PLUS AG (Munich), an operator of online-based content for the boomer generation. Podcast - Partnership and Love 40Plus (mp3)
Gallery Audio tours provided by the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History: These audio tours supplement the museum visitor's experience as they are guided through the SNOMNH environment with detailed descriptions and background information for each exhibit.
Before you visit the SNOMNH, load these narratives to your iPod to use in our galleries. This content is also available on rental iPods at the museum.
SNOMNH: Gallery Audio Guides (ENG)
Personal Life Media authentic free podcasts and blogs for adults. Get free audio programs and blogs about self-help, dating, relationships, marriage, personal transformation, life-purpose, ecology, anti-aging, spirituality and more by experts for your iPod, iTunes, MP3 player, download or streaming.
Personal Life Media
Self Help Books, Audio, and Online Courses for personal growth and self improvement – Personal Life Media
he National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library. The Library collects materials and provides information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care.
National Library of Medicine
The Shrink Is In- The Podcast Voice of Psychology
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Dr. Howard Gurr is a licensed psychologist who provides psychological information when YOU are ready to hear it.
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POZIAM Radio is an internet radio show sharing stories of real people living with HIV/AIDS and having real conversations. The show covers a range of topics and special guests sit in and share their personal stories
Robert Breining, Jeromy Dunn and Jack Mackenroth will be taking your calls at
(347) 215-9442 Sunday's at 9pm EST.
POZIAM Radio can be heard at
The radio show also has a chat room for listeners to ask questions, chat with the hosts and each other.
POZIAM Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by Dr Neil Love, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists, hematologists and hematology/oncology fellows ongoing access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international research leaders with an expertise in thoracic oncology.
Lung Cancer Update
Help me fill in the blanks of the practice of ED Critical Care. In this podcast, we discuss all things related to the crashing, critically ill patient in the Emergency Department.
EMCrit Blog » podcasts
Chiropractic OnLine Todays HealthBeat Podcasts have something for both Patients and Professionals. Narrated by Dr. Todd D. Eglow, HealthBeat provides news of interest from the Chiropractic and general Health communities.
Chiropractic OnLine Todays HealthBeat
Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by Dr Neil Love, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists, hematologists and hematology/oncology fellows ongoing access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international research leaders with an expertise in renal cell carcinoma.
Renal Cell Cancer Update
POZIAM Radio is an internet radio show sharing stories of real people living with HIV/AIDS and having real conversations. The show covers a range of topics and special guests sit in and share their personal stories
Robert Breining, Jeromy Dunn and Jack Mackenroth will be taking your calls at
(347) 215-9442 Sunday's at 9pm EST.
POZIAM Radio can be heard at
The radio show also has a chat room for listeners to ask questions, chat with the hosts and each other.
POZIAM Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed
The people who attend Times Square Church have an expectation to hear the pure and uncompromised Word of God and to experience His presence. Those who preach from this pulpit have sought the Lord through prayer and through His Word. There are five services each week. No sermon is ever repeated, and no program is followed, except what the Holy Spirit Himself leads. We invite you to download our free sermons and be challenged and encouraged by God’s Word! Times Square Church is an interdenominational church founded by Reverend David Wilkerson in 1987. Over 8,000 people, representing more than 100 nationalities, gather together to worship and to grow in the love of Jesus Christ, by reaching out to the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the destitute, the addicted and the poor.
Times Square Church: Sermons
You're invited to put a little "Backbone" into your podcast listening schedule with Spinal Column Radio is a podcast that tackles a variety of health subjects from a "chiropractic angle." Host Dr. Thomas Lamar, practicing chiropractor and Dad of 6, challenges our culture's current health perceptions in this "radio-style" format. Whether it's looking at the latest research or taking a look back into chiropractic's fascinating past, Dr. Lamar gets his listeners asking better questions when it comes to their bodies and their health. Infotainment at its finest!
SpinalColumnRadio » podcast
With humour, enthusiasm and a lot of curiosity, Skeptically Speaking guides you through the fascinating world of science and critical thinking. Desiree Schell interviews researchers, authors and experts to help listeners understand the evidence, arguments and science
behind what’s in the news and on the shelves. A little bit of
skepticism goes a long way.
Skeptically Speaking
Everything from home remedies to the latest breakthrough drugs are discussed on The People's Pharmacy. Pharmacologist Joe Graedon and medical anthropologist Terry Graedon talk to leading experts to discuss issues relating to drugs, herbs, home remedies, vitamins and related health topics.
The People's Pharmacy
Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by oncologist Dr Neil Love, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing on-going access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international breast cancer research leaders.
Breast Cancer Update
Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by Dr Neil Love, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists, hematologists and hematology/oncology fellows ongoing access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international research leaders with an expertise in thoracic oncology.
Lung Cancer Update
An engaging mix of author interviews and expert commentary on the latest articles from Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, hosted by the journals' online editor, John F. Kuemmerle, MD, AGAF.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest multiprofessional organization dedicated to ensuring excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care. These PodCasts are derived from information previously published in Critical Connections, a bi-monthly publication of SCCM.
SCCM PodCast - iCritical Care
Quick Tips for Managing Anger is a show about how deal with anger effectively and practically. Throughout the week Lynette Hoy, Marriage and Family Counselor and Anger Management Specialist, presents insights and skills for managing anger. You can learn to change unhealthy anger into a positive force which accomplishes something good for yourself and others! No more yelling, swearing, manipulating or giving the 'cold shoulder'. Train yourself to turn anger into faith, assertiveness, problem-solving, empathy and forgiveness! Learn techniques for managing conflict and developing healthy relationships!
Anger Management Institute
A look at mental health and health care in the U.S.
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-3c661be36c98502a390839de2305daf6}
An Inside Look at Mental Health
A children's meditation course with a discussion topic and a variety of guided meditations for youths and the entire family. The Meditation Society of Australia ( has no religious, political or financial affiliations, it is a community organisation designed to help people meditate.
Children Meditate - Meditation Classes
Take time out to visualise and meditate with the Meditation Society of Australia. The guided meditations feature video footage from around the world designed to inspire and illumine. The Meditation Society of Australia has no religious, political or financial affiliations, it is a community organisation designed to help people meditate.
Guided Meditations Video Podcast
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