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Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
Le 1er site collaboratif de vidéos éducatives et culturelles réalisées par des professeurs.
Canal Educatif à la Demande : le meilleur des vidéos éducatives sur l'économie, les sciences et les arts
Welcome to Mr. Bradley's Science Guy In A Tie Science Classroom. Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, Capstone Projects, Epidemiology, Public Health, and student literary work and other interesting Science info. Skyline High School, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Science Guy In A Tie
Everyday Science is a production of the Little Shop of Physics in conjunction with Poudre School District Channel 10. The Little Shop of Physics ( is a hands-on science outreach program at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. On the regularly aired television program "Everday Science," LSOP Director Brian Jones works with PSD students to demonstrate the principles of physics in fun and exciting ways! Every episode is something new and different and encourages viewers to try their hand at everyday science.
Everyday Science
The Naked Scientists have uncovered an extraordinary collection of old film reels featuring experimental scientist Dr Ernest Otherford. He had a
penchant for exploring the laws of science using whatever was in his sporran...
Science from the Sporran, with the Naked Scientists
The Hamilton Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre established at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth in November 2001. The Institute seeks to provide a bridge between mathematics and its applications in ICT and biology.
In this podcast feed, we make accessible some of the best seminars held by members of the Hamilton Institute, visitors or guest speakers.
Futhermore, it will also contain the lectures give as part of the 'Network Mathematics Graduate Programme'.
Hamilton Institute Seminars (HD / large)
This is a video podcast of solutions to example problems from Dr. Beyersdorf's Physics 50 class at San Jose State University. Several episodes will be published each week including solutions to the previous week's homework and examples that may be useful in understanding current homework or preparing for upcoming exams.
Physics 50 example problems
Pixel Corps
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
UWTV is an award-winning television station with entertaining new shows, live sports, and eye-opening educational programs on channel 27.
University of Washington
UWTV - University of Washington Television
Showcasing the excellence and diversity of the nation's premier research university, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California - teaching, research and public service - through quality, in-depth television that informs, educates and enriches the lives of people around the globe.
Bugs of the Month
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Arizona bugs of the month with UA Associate Curator Carl Olsen.
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CBT Cafe stands for Computer Based Training Cafe. We offer free web based software training and software tutorials for multimedia and graphic design in HTML, QuickTime Video, and Flash video training formats.
CBT Cafe tutorials include the most popular web design and graphics software programs, such as: Flash tutorials , Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Cleaner, QuickTime, Ebay, and PowerPoint.
CBT Cafe - Video Tutorials
Smith College engineering students create educational video podcasts about how materials behave for use in middle school and high school.
Learning Engineering Through Video Podcasts
You will learn how to perform basic Army drill instruction. This includes stationary drill and basic marching drill as demonstrated by JROTC cadets.
Drill, Basic Instruction
CBT Cafe stands for Computer Based Training Cafe. We offer free web based software training and software tutorials for multimedia and graphic design in HTML, QuickTime Video, and Flash video training formats.
CBT Cafe tutorials include the most popular web design and graphics software programs, such as: Flash tutorials , Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Cleaner, QuickTime, Ebay, and PowerPoint.
CBT Cafe - Video Tutorials
Short video portraits of some of the women scientists, artists, teachers, technicians and support personnel working in Antarctica. For more information about this project and the work of the women featured in these short video portraits please visit our website,
Women In Antarctica
Video podcast about Geography and geospatial technologies. VerySpatial TV, Geography...In Motion.
VerySpatial TV - iPod Version
This is a podcasting page for the Demarest Music Program.
All work must be preapproved before posting. Please send all work attached to my school e-mail address or in person. All work must be in .mp3 and/or .mov file format.
I'm looking forward to posting your work. Students must have a Podomatic account in order to leave Comments. Please be respectful.
Thank you,
DMS Music Podcasting
U-Tech - University of TECHnology - is technology training for all El Paso ISD teachers and campus administrators. It was created in response to Texas state and federal (TEA, SBEC and NCLB Title II-D) requirements that call for specific number of hours of technology training to be completed yearly by all campus professionals. Teachers enrolled in the Podcasting major spend 25 hours in class, and almost as many hours outside of class recording and editing their educational video podcasts.
U-Tech Podcasting
Smith College engineering students create educational video podcasts about how materials behave for use in middle school and high school.
Learning Engineering Through Video Podcasts
Parents are always asking students what they did in school today. To find out, watch our video podcasts and listen to our audio editions.
We think you'll enjoy them.
Join us for What I Did in School Today!
What I Did In School Today- a WPS Podcast
People build fences or walls to: bar access, mark property, convey ideas, and politicize. Walls surrounding Troy and the Berlin Wall did not prevent invasion or escape. Will a multi-million dollar US-Mexico border fence be any different? You decide.
Fenced In? Walled Out?
Learn Telugu alphabets - In this podcast you will learn Telugu alphabets - vowels (Achchulu) and consonants(Hallulu) with the help of pictures. Parents can use this
podcast to teach Telugu alphabets to their kids. In each episode you will learn how to write Telugu alphabets and by the end of the series, you would have mastered the Telugu script. You can also download telugu rhymes
Learn Telugu - Languagereef's language learning podcast
Dividing mixed numbers can be accomplished using a few basic steps. Without going in depth regarding theory, you can experience success working with this math concept.
Divide Mixed Numbers
My second grade class at Kohlberg Elementary is demonstrating our daily calendar routine. They will be demonstrating prefixes, number of the day, number system in Japanese, clock, and math vocabulary.
Second Grade Calendar
You will learn how to perform basic Army drill instruction. This includes stationary drill and basic marching drill as demonstrated by JROTC cadets.
Drill, Basic Instruction
We are Instructional Technology teachers who love to learn, share, and grow with techology.
Visit our blog at
IT Babble's Podcast
The FREE, 1-Minute Dog Trainer podcast series. You and your little dog will benefit from the latest techniques and command strategies directly from today’s leading expert dog trainers. Brought to you by WebMD, today’s #1 recognized and trusted brand in health information and largest site for healthy pet info.
WebMD Healthy Pets: 1-Minute Dog Trainer for Little Dogs
Podcast sobre fotografia digital, camaras digitales, iluminacion, tecnicas y tips.
Podcast Fotografia Digital - Clases de Fotografía Digital
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