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\ The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
Life Lines is a general interest science podcast of The American Physiological Society dedicated to conveying the "phizz" in physiology. Physiology is the study of how the body works, from all the body's major systems and functions to the molecules and cells that work in such remarkable ways to keep us healthy. Each episode includes three segments: an interview with the author of a recent physiological study; an answer to a question about how the body works; and, a feature interview with a physiologist about his or her work. If you would like a summary of the recent physiological studies featured on the program, please visit To ask Life Lines a question about physiology please skype "Physcast" or call 301-637-5634.
Life Lines - The Podcast of The American Physiological Society
Your place to hear product reviews, event listings, articles, and dancers' opinions on all the hot topics. Not to mention great dance music. Email with feedback at
Shimmy Cast
20+ power kicks to get you back on track. Key strategies to deal with professional pressure, overwhelm or burnout - Brought to you by - Topic suggestions for future podcasts? Email me your questions at
< Tackle stress - News >
Der McCast ist der erste deutsche Fastfood-Podcast und bietet euch
Berichte und Informationen rund um die Themen Fastfood und Convenience Food!
McCast - Geschmack für die Ohren
Podcasts presented by Sam Gill in titled series focused on such topics as dance, play, body, health, and religion.
Sam Gill
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Wambam ! Editions
the girl-on-the-go's guide to living a mindfully extravagant lifestyle through do-gooding, creativity, yoga, style, and being fabulous.
tranquility du jour
The Dog Trainer's Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet
The Dog Trainer's Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet
The Dog Trainer wants you and your dog to have a wonderful time together. If you've got a puppy, get simple, sensible pointers for raising her. Rambunctious adolescent? Transform him into a civilized adult. As for the grownups, no dog is too old to learn new tricks -- or better manners. The Dog Trainer explains how to get the polite behaviors you want and then turn those behaviors into lifelong habits. Whether you're housetraining, teaching your dog to roll over, or wondering how to evaluate a dog walker, The Dog Trainer can help.
The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
The Nutrition Diva (aka Monica Reinagel) serves up simple, painless ways to upgrade your eating habits. Before you know it, you'll be eating healthier and feeling more fabulous! A Quick and Dirty Tips show from the creators of Grammar Girl and Money Girl.
Money Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life
Money Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life
Money Girl provides short and friendly personal finance, real estate, and investing tips to help you live a richer life. Whether you're just starting out or are already a savvy investor, Money Girl's advice will point you in the right direction. From the creators of Grammar Girl at
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More
Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More
When you want to get it done, the Get-It-Done Guy provides short, friendly tips to help you work less and do more. Forget about the things you weren't getting done before -- your productivity will increase along with your happiness.
The Mighty Mommy's Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting
The Mighty Mommy's Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting
Check in every week with The Mighty Mommy for quick and dirty parenting tips. In around five minutes, she'll share her practical parenting advice to help make your day easier. From the creators of Grammar Girl, Money Girl, and Legal Lad at
Modern Manners Guy Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life
Modern Manners Guy Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life
Modern Manners Guy provides short, friendly tips to help you live a more polite life. Whether you want to impress your business associates or just your friends, these tips will start you on your way.
Everyday Einstein's Quick and Dirty Tips for Making Sense of Science
Everyday Einstein's Quick and Dirty Tips for Making Sense of Science
You'll never fear science again with Everyday Einstein on your side.
The Public Speaker's Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills
The Public Speaker's Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills
The Public Speaker helps you to inform, motivate, entertain, and persuade better. Join host and creator Lisa B. Marshall for short, practical tips that help you to be engaging and memorable every time you speak. It's not just about public speaking, it's about effective communication. A Quick and Dirty Tips show from the creators of Grammar Girl and Money Girl.
The House Call Doctor's Quick and Dirty Tips for Taking Charge of Your Health
The House Call Doctor's Quick and Dirty Tips for Taking Charge of Your Health
Take charge of your health with the House Call Doctor. No topic is off limits as Dr. Rob Lamberts answers your most pressing medical questions with his trademark humor and straightforward advice. He'll make even the most complex medical issues easy to understand with expert advice on topics like cholesterol, bruises, antibiotics, and everything else you need to know to understand your body better and improve your health and quality of life.
Domestic CEO's Quick & Dirty Tips to Managing Your Home
Domestic CEO's Quick & Dirty Tips to Managing Your Home
Whether you are an experienced home manager, or living on your own for the first time, the Domestic CEO has easy tips on keeping your home in tip-top shape. The Domestic CEO will explain everything from how to decorate your home on a budget to organizing a playroom, so that you can make your home the best it can be.
Tech Talker's Quick and Dirty Tips to Navigate the Digital World
Tech Talker's Quick and Dirty Tips to Navigate the Digital World
Tech Talker demystifies technology and cutting edge devices so that even the most tech illiterate can understand what's going on with their computer or smartphone-and what to do when something goes wrong.
The Digital Marketer's Quick and Dirty Tips for Growing Your Business with Digital Tools
The Digital Marketer's Quick and Dirty Tips for Growing Your Business with Digital Tools
The Digital Marketer, Aliza Sherman, delivers short, friendly tips to help you jump start and rev up your business using all things Internet and even some things gadgetry. From the creators of The Get-It-Done Guy, Money Girl, and Grammar Girl.
The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
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The Nutrition Diva (aka Monica Reinagel) serves up simple, painless ways to upgrade your eating habits. Before you know it, you'll be eating healthier and feeling more fabulous! A Quick and Dirty Tips show from the creators of Grammar Girl and Money Girl.
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