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\ PMQs
Audio and video content from Vanity Fair
The Vanity Fair Podcast
Le amazzoni, Ulisse, Agamennone, Medea, Enea, Turno, Romolo e Remo... Quando il mito si intreccia con la storia, la letteratura, l'arte. Eva Cantarella, docente di Istituzioni di diritto romano e Diritto greco antico all'Università di Milano e autrice di numerosi libri, tra cui "Itaca" e "L'amore è un dio", ci accompagna alla scoperta dei miti della Grecia antica e della Roma latina.
Eva Cantarella - Mitologia e storia nella Grecia antica e a Roma
weekly commentary on new techs, popular culture, tv, movies, Wikipedia, space travel, good food, music, the works...
Light On Light Through
Each week To the Best of Our Knowledge delivers in-depth interviews with nationally and internationally-known guests whose passion for new ideas will challenge and engage. Hosted by Jim Fleming, this interview magazine is thoughtful and penetrating, and features fascinating topics and guests
PRI: To the Best of Our Knowledge Podcast
Public Radio International/WNYC
Welcome to the podcast version of The Best Laid Plans, the winner of the 2008 Stephen Leacock Award for Humour. It's a satirical novel of Canadian politics, written and podcast by Terry Fallis. It recounts the unlikely and eventful alliance between a 30-something burnt out, jaded political staffer, and an older, cantankerous, engineering professor. Driven by a federal election and the life of the resulting minority conservative government, the novel moves between Ottawa, the national capital, and the small town of Cumberland, Ontario on the shores of the Ottawa River. While the characters and their exploits are often comical, serious ideas on politics and democracy underlie the fun.
Listener comments are welcome via the blog ( or e-mail (
The Best Laid Plans
A weekly review of the best new music from the staff of The Hartford Courant.
Your hosts are Eric R. Danton, Courant Rock Critic, and Stephen Busemeyer, a Courant editor and CD reviewer. Guest commentary is brought to you by Eric Gershon, a Courant business reporter who has written about music for the Boston Phoenix and other publications; Babe Zero, a former Courant photo editor; Elizabeth Zuhl, a graphic designer at The Courant, and Regine Labossiere, a writer at The Courant who has unprintable accents in her name.
Soundcheck Podcast
Pensiero poetante e poesia pensante.... Un "viaggio" nella vasta produzione letteraria di Giacomo Leopardi. I "Canti", le "Operette morali", lo "Zibaldone" letti e commentati da Antonio Prete, critico letterario e traduttore, docente di Letterature comparate all'Università di Siena.
Giacomo Leopardi
Football Weekly
Football Weekly
James Richardson, Barry Glendenning, Sid Lowe and the rest of the Football Weekly team are here right through the 2009/10 football season with the web's best football podcast. With news and banter from the Premier League, Championship, La Liga, Serie A, and Bundesliga.
The Guardian Culture Podcast
The Guardian Culture Podcast
Interviews, news and reviews on all aspects of the arts from Plus, hear art critic Adrian Searle's gallery and exhibition tours. New for October 2009: A series of podcasts from the Cambridge Festival of Ideas
Film Weekly
Film Weekly
Jason Solomons interviews the hottest directors and actors around the world, and reviews the week’s releases
Music Weekly
Music Weekly
Paul MacInnes is joined by Rosie Swash for interviews and live tracks from bands and musicians, plus reviews of new releases, and music news from the Guardian's musical devotees. The award-winning Music Weekly is available to download every Friday.
Global development podcast
Global development podcast
In this series of podcasts from the Guardian, every month Madeleine Bunting explores the key issues affecting billions of people across the developing world
Guardian short stories podcast
Guardian short stories podcast
Subscribe free to our podcast, presented by the editor of the Guardian's Saturday Review section, Lisa Allardice. Each programme features an interview with a leading author followed by a reading of the author's favourite short story by another writer.
The Business podcast
The Business podcast
The top business brains from the Guardian and the Observer come together for a weekly dose of economic reality. As the credit crunch continues to bite, our leading commentators give their personal take on how the crisis is being managed. Deborah Hargreaves, Larry Elliott, Dan Roberts and the rest of the team are joined by our host, economics leader writer Aditya Chakrabortty.
Careers Talk
Careers Talk
Careers Talk is a round up of everthing happening in the forums, including a chat with an expert panelist, an interview with one of the users and a preview of coming Q&As
The Big Ideas
The Big Ideas
Every month, a group of academics, columnists and philosophers dissect a phrase that's become an intellectual cliché in order to analyse its true meaning
The Digested Read podcast
The Digested Read podcast
A podcast version of John Crace's wickedly satirical Guardian column, lampooning the literary style of leading authors by summarising their books in five minutes
Guardian Focus podcast
Guardian Focus podcast
Each week, Guardian correspondents and commentators take a detailed look at an issue in the news
Guardian Daily
Guardian Daily
It’s the world on your iPod, delivered daily at 7.30am (UK time). Exclusive reports from Guardian correspondents in Britain and around the globe, with Jon Dennis
Media Talk
Media Talk
Matt Wells and guests bring you the latest news and gossip from the media village
The Amnesty International Comedy Podcast
The Amnesty International Comedy Podcast
A brand new series of comedy podcasts from Amnesty International at the Edinburgh Fringe festival 2010. Featuring live stand-up comedy, interviews with top comedians, critics’ top festival picks, comedy gems from Amnesty’s Secret Policemen’s Ball archive and backstage access behind the scenes at Edinburgh’s top comedy venues. Amnesty’s involvement with the festival is based on the celebration of freedom of expression and fighting for the rights of people whose free speech is denied. Find out more at
Media Talk USA
Media Talk USA
Jeff Jarvis and a regular panel of media commentators analyse the latest developments in the US media and tech worlds
Full coverage of Prime Minister’s Questions, weekly from the House of Commons.
James Richardson's European football papers review
James Richardson's European football papers review
Football Weekly host James Richardson reviews what the European newspapers are saying about the big Champions League and Europa League matches
Sounds Jewish
Sounds Jewish
A lively, off-beat take on Jewish life from the Jewish Community Centre for London, sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle.
Comment is Free podcasts
Comment is Free podcasts
A series of podcasts made by writers from the Guardian's award-winning comment website, Comment is free. New for 2009: Another Thought for the Day - a secular take on the BBC's iconic daily message.
City Guides
City Guides
Inside guides and information on the hottest places to go from
The bike podcast
The bike podcast
Each month, the bike podcast brings you news, views and opinion from the world of cycling - from reviews of new bikes and essential biking accessories, to interviews with well-known cyclists, recommendations for bike routes and a round-up of the latest cycling-related news
The Heineken Cup podcast
The Heineken Cup podcast
The Observer's rugby columnist Eddie Butler and former Scotland international Kenny Logan preview the 2009 Heineken Cup final. Produced in association with Heineken
Week in review podcast
Week in review podcast
Columnist Jonathan Freedland is joined by a top panel of commentators to look back on the news of the past seven days
The Family Podcast
The Family Podcast
Miranda Sawyer presents our new monthly podcast looking at all aspects of family life.
The Guardian Activate video channel
The Guardian Activate video channel
Guardian Activate is a summit aimed at world-changing individuals and communities who have proven that through the use of technology and the internet we can make the world a better place. If you missed a talk or just want to recap memorable presentations from the day, you can download our videos for free on iTunes music store. We'll be releasing a new Activate video every week so stay tuned. With iTunes, you can subscribe to the series and have new talks automatically downloaded.
News and views from the world of Islam, but not as you have heard it before. With Riazat Butt
Live at the Edinburgh Festival
Live at the Edinburgh Festival
Sparky chatter and peformances from top comedians, plus insightful analysis from Guardian critics. Featuring the best acts rom the Edinburgh Festival 2009. Recorded live every day at the Gilded Balloon, hosted by Miles Jupp and featuring last year's if.comedy best newcomer Sarah Millican
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Full coverage of Prime Minister’s Questions, weekly from the House of Commons.
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