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Ari Goldwag
\ Ari Goldwag's Jewish Music Podcast
JEWISH THOUGHT LEADERS is a production of the Center for Jewish Life (CJL) at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center, generously funded by the Koret Foundation and the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life. This podcast features talks that we have presented recently at our center. In an effort to expand our reach and share these programs with as wide an audience as possible, we’re making the content available online for free. Production is by Josh Korbel. Each presentation is introduced by Joanne Greene, Director of our Center for Jewish Life, who welcomes your feedback. Email
Jewish Thought Leaders
Rabbi Zvi Aviner takes you step by step, up the ladder of Noah’s Seven Commandments, which is the moral fabric of civilization. The classes are on IDOLATRY, ADULTERY, BLOODSHED, THEFT, INJUSTICE, BLASPEHMY and MERCY (the Prohibition to eat BLOOD and a Limb from a Living Animal.)
The stories and concepts are drawn from thousands-years old Jewish literature, like the Midrash, Talmud, commentators and Kabbalah. More importantly, the material is anchored in Jewish customs, prayers and liturgy; some dated to the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.
Here you’ll discover the origin of ideas that have shaped our world, like the coming Reign of Mercy, the Heavenly Kingdom and the Eternal Sabbath. Whether you’re a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, you’ll find these classes illuminating and inspiring.
Noah is the father of all Mankind. Hence his teaching is the roots of all faiths. Noah, by the very meaning of his Hebrew name, is a pleasant and accommodative teacher. His wife’s name, Naama, means the same. Learn about both of them, about their falling in love, and about their fascinating families and treacherous times. You’ll find that nothing is new under the Sun, and that we are still facing a similar moral discourse.
HaShem’s 7 Commandments for all Mankind
Beyond The Pale explores cutting edge Jewish culture and offers local, national, and international political debate and analysis from a Jewish perspective. Sundays, noon to 1 p.m., on WBAI/New York, 99.5 FM; podcast updated weekly.
Beyond the Pale
Authentic Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, and Chassidut from Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh shlit”a. Please visit our other podcasts for more in depth, topic-specific compilations of audio, video, or written lectures by Harav Ginsburgh: *Kabbalah To Go* ; *Kabbalistic Language* ; *Kabbalistic Prayers* ; *Kabbalistic Calendar* ; *Kabbalah & Relationships* ; *Kabbalah & Medicine* ; *Kabbalah & Femininity* ; *Kabbalah & Physics* ; *Kabbalah & Art* ; *The Torah Academy*
Kabbalistic Meditation
JCOR Parsha & Pizza
JCOR Parsha & Pizza
Paul Cohen; Messianic Bible Teacher
Messianic Bible Teacher; Paul Cohen
Weekly Messages and various Midrashim from Messianic Synagogues Beth Messiah (Sarasota, Florida) and Beth Yeshua (Ft.Myers, Florida)
Weekly Parsha D'var Torah with Ari Goldwag
Weekly Parsha D'var Torah with Ari Goldwag
This unique Parsha podcast is filled with machshava, deep philosophical Jewish thought, based on traditional sources, from the ancient to the recent. All of the ideas are rooted in Torah tradition, filled with a spiritual message that is potent and poignant for the times.
Understanding Moshiach
Understanding Moshiach
Living in the Western world, we have heard the concept of Moshiach but only understood it through the lens of those outside of our tradition. The centrality in Judaism to the belief of the Messianic age is stressed by the Rambam (Maimonides) in his thirteen principles of faith. Yet, it is greatly misunderstood. This podcast brings together the traditional concept of Moshiach from the Jewish perspective, based on the traditions that date back to Mount Sinai itself, revealed in the Kabbalah and Talmudic sources sacred to Judaism. Let the Truth speak for itself.
Judaism's response to Christian Missionaries with Rabbi Tovia Singer
Judaism's response to Christian Missionaries with Rabbi Tovia Singer
Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known speaker. He lectures over 200 times each year around the globe -- in North America, South America, Europe and Israel. Rabbi Tovia Singer has vast knowledge of topics such as anti-semitism, holocaust revisionism, Jewish and Christian History, and Christian Missionaries. At only 41 years old, he has managed to become the top counter-missionary in the world, teaching and educating thousands, bringing many back to their Judaism. He is a dynamic educator who has been interviewed on radio and television hundreds of times over the years.
Ari Goldwag's Jewish Music Podcast
Ari Goldwag's Jewish Music Podcast
Ari Goldwag's Jewish music podcast will introduce you to some great music, and give you previews and information about music he is involved with, as well as albums he is aware of - from the inside and behind the scenes. It will also feature special interviews with established names in the business, as well as up and coming talent.
Daily Daf Yomi
Daily Daf Yomi
The Talmud offers so much depth and wisdom. This daily podcast will help you dive into the sea of the Gemara one Daf (page) at a time.
Daily Kabbalah Lesson
Daily Kabbalah Lesson
The Kabbalah contains timeless words that we have received in our tradition from the great ones before us. They teach us of a deeper reality beneath the surface, one that is spiritual and full of light. This podcast will take you on a breathtaking journey into that reality, leaving you enlightened as to the great opportunity that life affords us. The timeless words of the Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato, famed Kabbalist of the 18th century, as well as those of Rav Chaim Volozhiner, form the basis for this podcast, which will be updated daily with God's help.
Daily Dvar with Ari Goldwag
Daily Dvar with Ari Goldwag
Everyone needs a daily dose of inspiration. The timeless words of the Chofetz Chaim, R' Yisrael Meir Hacohen, form the basis for this podcast, which will be updated daily with God's help.
The Gates of Return
The Gates of Return
With difficulty facing us in every direction, our hearts tell us that there is no where to turn but to God. This podcast combines music, stories and a message based on the monumental work of Rabbi Yonah of Gerondi (Gerona). It teaches us how to escape from the stains we may have inflicted upon our spiritual lives, to remove them and start afresh in our relationship with God.
A Song and a Thought
A Song and a Thought
Our sages teach that the gate of music is right below the gate of repentance. Music has the power to lift us from the deepest depths to the highest heights. A natural complement to music's power is the the awesome power of the Torah whose message can stir our soul and awaken it to soar ever higher, lifting us at the same time from the mundane and giving us a new perspective on life.
Ari Goldwag's Jewish Music Podcast
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Ari Goldwag's Jewish music podcast will introduce you to some great music, and give you previews and information about music he is involved with, as well as albums he is aware of - from the inside and behind the scenes. It will also feature special interviews with established names in the business, as well as up and coming talent.
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