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A series of podcasts that explains Jung's Psychology, starting with an overview of the psyche.
jungian's Podcast
A world of legend and truth, from the folk tradition to the not-so-everyday life of Mr Tim
The Room Behind the Bookcase
On a weeklish basis, four old university friends now scattered across the world meet for a Skypechat that is recorded for your detr. . . , er, benefit.
Surprisingly, we actually edit out the more boring parts of the conversation, and try to leave you with a few pearls of wisdom that are gleaned from consistently ridiculous points of view on discussion topics ranging from the mundane to the absurd.
If you occasionally enjoy some of our conversations, we are pleased. But be warned: our motto is, "In case you were expecting something, this is what you get."
Intro music used with permission by General Patton vs the X-ecutioners. Thanks to Ipecac Recordings.
Limited Appeal
Join us for a look at upcoming events at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. This series of podcasts will present concert listings, programme notes, and interviews with musicians and guest artists.
What's On at the TSO
Accidental Survivors is a podcast focusing on modern games. While we will often default to d20 Modern, because that is what we are most familiar with, we will try to make our comments and suggestions as generic as possible. Each podcast is going to include any news we feel might be of interest to modern gamers. This news portion will include a quick encapsulation of the story, and then some comments from the hosts regarding applying this to a game, or impact on gamers. Then we'll get into our feature. The feature will be a concept or idea as general as Martial Arts or as specific as the billy-club used as a subdual weapon. We'll discuss our thoughts and ideas regarding the feature topic and how it applies to modern gaming. We'll always have inspiration time, where we'll look at something specific, such as a news story, a book, a movie, and discuss how one can draw inspiration for a campaign.
Accidental Survivors: The Modern Gaming Podcast
Here we have the opportunity to spread stories through the theatre of the mind All across the cyber bi-ways and radial beacons We are inclusive. We are eclectic. We are collective. Join the Society today!
The Sonic Society
Photography podcast & blog discusses photography, digital photography, fine art photography as well as provide tips and techniques to improve your photography.
Photography podcast - photography blog -
Outsourced newspapers: an option worth considering
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If you don’t follow Kirk Lapointe via his RSS feed or on Twitter, you should. Particularly if you are interested in some of the changes and discussions going on behind the scenes in the newspaper business. Your daily newspaper is undergoing major changes and some bright people out there are looking for solutions to aid [...]
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Here’s a short video segment we shot of the Rock For Haiti fundraiser at the Farside Lounge at Red Deer College on Saturday February 6, 2010. More video to follow.
Rock For Haiti video
The announcement by the CRTC that they will hold a policy hearing in October to examine whether carriers should be required to provide high-speed Internet access to poorly served rural regions in this Globe and Mail article is good news. Of course the response from the telecom/wireless carriers in the article is no surprise . [...]
CRTC to start talks on increased access to rural broadband
In an attempt to become a serious citizen journalist, I went out and covered a local event here in Penhold. Thanks to all the folks from the town – Julia, Tara and Dean – who took part. Hoping to do more in the future.
BTW: Citizen journalism isn’t hard. If I can do it – you [...]
Our latest video: Penhold Community Breakfast Jan 30, 2010
We have been working recently with Fred May Jr. from and we shot this in his studio down in Olds Alberta. Fred has been in mainstream broadcasting for over thirty years and has switched to web based video and TV because he believes that it is the future of delivering local TV programing. I [...]
Does local TV matter?
Sorry I couldn’t resist. Everyone is coming up with names for the new (rumoured) Apple touch screen computer and since I remember the Newton I thought it would be good for a laugh. For those who weren’t around when the Newton came out and took the industry by storm (actually it was more of a [...]
The iNewton – Apple’s new touch screen computer?
It sounds like Jim Shaw, who brought us such things as Shaw cable is looking over the bric-a-brac at the Canwest yard sale. Reports say he is doing this to see what he can do to ‘help them out’. That’s mighty neighborly of Jim. It’s also a great business strategy. Thirty years ago cable was [...]
Shaw interested in Canwest assets
If you don’t follow Kirk Lapointe via his RSS feed or on Twitter, you should. Particularly if you are interested in some of the changes and discussions going on behind the scenes in the newspaper business. Your daily newspaper is undergoing major changes and some bright people out there are looking for solutions to aid [...]
Outsourced newspapers: an option worth considering
Years ago when we purchased our first video tape deck (BTW it was a Beta) trips to the video store became a weekly routine. I remember spending an hour and sometimes longer browsing through the titles on the shelves looking at blockbusters and the odd and unusual. Then we switched to satellite and pay-for-view movies [...]
Movies from the web – no more trips to the video store
A small business owner mentioned to me that they didn’t think their target market were big on using the web for shopping or research into products or services. They felt that the older demographic that they market to didn’t use the web that much. The “older” group they referred to were the boomers aged 45 [...]
You might not use the web but they do – know your market
Here is our latest video for A Better World Canada . . .
Nova Media
Strategic Online Marketing
Advanced Systems
Corporate Computer and Network Specialists
A Better World Canada video – Eric’s Kenya trip
Join us a the next Red Deer Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours networking event on Tuesday February 23 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the Red Deer Lodge in Red Deer.
Business after Hours
Location: Red Deer Lodge, 4311-49 Avenue
The February Event will be hosted by Red Deer Lodge Hotel & Conference Centre.
Business after Hours are min-traideshows [...]
Red Deer Business After Hours Feb. 23 starts at 5:00pm
There are hints that social media – blogs, Twitter and Facebook – are driving audiences to view traditional TV. Large events such as the Oscars and the Vancouver Olympics show that it is important to tie in social media and engagement with the event. Some experts in the TV business are convinced that there is [...]
Traditional TV gets boost from social media
Walter Schwabe from “fusedlogic” recently asked via Twitter ‘if a candidate’s use of social media would affect your support for them?’. We don’t have access to the answers that Walter received from the Twitter community but we will offer our own here. There is a lot more to a candidates platform than whether or not [...]
Political candidates and social media: don’t miss out on spreading your message
While reading Tom Webster’s blog post where he gives a preview of his upcoming talk at Blogworld 2010 it was exciting to see that according to his work with Edison Research, the audience for podcasting is growing. A slow but steady growth since 2005 now shows that in 2010 almost 1 in 4 Americans have [...]
The many faces of Podcasting
The City of Red Deer released the latest census report on July 2, 2010 with the full report available on their website next week. The general take on Red Deer is that it is a young city and growing. The average age is pegged at 34 years of age with a fairly even split between [...]
Red Deer is ready for social media
Social media has gone crazy with the skyrocketing growth of social technologies such as Twitter and Facebook but what about some of the other social technologies that started off the current revolution in online communications? There was a time when blogs, wikis and podcasts led the parade known as Web 2.0 (a new way to [...]
What is a Podcast?
In the brave new world of internet media it is important to hire the best team to enable you to reach your customers and share your story. Starting at the planning and development stage and working through to the finished product, BRASSmedia Canada uses the latest in leading edge technology and the top talent in [...]
BRASSmedia Canada – we monkey around sometimes
We just released the second episode of ‘Gutbuster TV’, a show we produce in partnership with Second Row Productions. We have been working with them on a series of audio podcasts so the move to video made sense. The challenge was in how to create the video content required for an hour long show. Indy […]
Gutbuster TV features indy pro wrestling clips
Facebook Live has become a popular platform for live video streaming. For sharing live events it is out distancing the traditional content delivery networks such as and miles ahead of Periscope. What makes it so appealing is that you can stream from anywhere, if you have an internet connection, to a Facebook account or […]
Facebook Live streaming – working with a new rig: Switcher Studio Pro
We just completed our first serious 360′ VR Video project. The goal was to capture a group of cyclists riding a section of the Tour of Alberta route through Mountain View County and into Olds Alberta. The final video will be used to promote the event. At the finish line festival of September 2nd, the […]
A 360′ VR Video Project – Cycling
Are you watching the 2016 Summer Olympics from Rio? On satellite or cable TV? Online via various platforms or apps? Even on over-the-air from your local station (CBC in Canada or NBC in the US)? We are too but with extra attention on the broadcast details. Compared to decades ago, the coverage of modern Olympics […]
Ultimate live production – OBS at the Olympics
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